Is There a Reason I Bruise Easily?

April 18, 2022

Is There a Reason I Bruise Easily?- AFC Urgent Care

Bruising is a part of life. It’s sometimes a marker of having fun playing with the kids or a reminder of clumsiness, like bumping into a table or chair around the house. Whatever the case may be, most bruises aren’t usually a cause for concern.

Our AFC Urgent Care Hickory team shares more info about bruises and why they happen below, so keep reading!

What Even Is a Bruise?

A bruise occurs when blood vessels underneath the skin pop as a result of force or trauma. When they pop, blood pools underneath the skin and then causes a discoloration, usually brown, blue, yellow, black, green or red in color.

Bruises are highly treatable and hardly ever require medical attention to get better. If you or your child experiences a bruise, we’ve listed how to properly care for it below.

How to Treat Bruises

  • Cold compress. If bruising has caused pain and swelling, applying a cold compress is step one. Remember to put a barrier, such as a towel or cloth, between the cold object and skin. Place the compress on yours or your child’s skin for up to 20 minutes at a time.
  • Elevation. If an arm or leg is involved, elevate the limb and apply a cold compress for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, or until the swelling is reduced.
  • Over-the-counter medication, such as acetaminophen.

Do Some People Bruise Easier Than Others?

They can. While bruising is a part of life, as we said earlier, some people, such as older adults, are more susceptible to frequent bruising. The reason is this: As you get older, you slowly lose the fatty layer underneath your skin, which causes blood vessels weaken, thus allowing them to be injured more often.

Weakened blood vessels leads to less protection to soften a bump against a table or chair. We’ve listed a few more reasons you could be experiencing frequent bruising below.

Reasons You May Bruise Easier

  • Medications. Certain medications, like blood thinners, antibiotics and steroids, can contribute to your blood not being able to clot as well, which can leave you prone to bruising.
  • Family history. Not only do things like freckles and moles run in the family, but frequent bruising can, too. Plus, women usually have more delicate blood vessels, which can lead to more bruising.
  • Too much sun. Years and years of spending lots of time in the sun without adequate sunscreen protection can weaken the walls of your blood vessels, which can make them vulnerable to damage that leads to bruises.

Whether you have a bruise or a cut, our AFC team can take care of you! We also offer CBC and blood panel tests for those concerned that they may have a low blood or platelet count. Don’t hesitate to stop by today.

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